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A Equipe
Osmair Roberto Mucheroni

Osmair Mucheroni é Desenhista Mecânico e Projetista de Equipamentos, tendo atuado durante 15 anos na Engemasa como Supervisor de Montagens de Colunas de Tubos e Serpentinas para fornos de refinarias e plantas petroquímicas, com inúmeros cursos de capacitação e qualificação técnica.

Na Engemasa foi o responsável pela coordenação de uma equipe de 30 profissionais dentre eles técnicos de montagens industriais, soldadores qualificados, inspetores de qualidade e auxiliares.

Como Projetista de Maquinas desenvolveu projetos em parceria com a USP das centrifugadoras vertical e horizontal (para tubos), das máquinas de ensaios de fluência com o apoio de pesquisadores da UFSCar, e da máquina de curvamento de tubos por aquecimento à indução, bem como elaborou layouts de inúmeras instalações fabris, dentre outras atividades.

School Formation

  • 1st Degree: 1st Grade School Prof. Plinio Negrão
  • 1st Degree: Vocational - Paulino Botelho State Industrial Gymnasium
  • 2nd Degree: State Secondary School prof. Jesuit of Arruda

Complementary courses:

  • Autodesk Inventor 11 Software Update •Period: 2006
  • Autodesk Inventor 10 Software Update •Period: 2005
  • Finalize Elements Analyze Autodesk Inventor Software •Period: 2005
  • Pipe Module Autodesk Inventor Software •Period: 2005
  • Autodesk Inventor 7.0 Software •Period: 1987
  • Tools Project •Period: 1987
  • DIMEP - Araraquara - SP
    Machine Design •Period: 1986
  • ART. MEC. - Sao Paulo-SP
    Measurement Control •Period: 05/04/1984 to 22/12/1985
  • S.T.I.M.M. - South Africa
    Technical Mechanical Design •Period: 10/03/1984 to 22/12/1985
  • S.T.I.M.M. - South Africa
    Mechanical Design •Period: 1971 to 1973
  • Senai - San Carlos


  • Total Quality Management Awareness •Period: 1998
  • SESI - São Carlos - SP - "5S" •Period: 1998
  • SESI - São Carlos - SP - Production Techniques - "JUST IN TIME" •Period: 1995

Professional experience:

  • Engemasa - São Carlos - SP
    Function: Petrochemical Assembler
    Period: 2002 to 2017
    Developed activities: - Responsible for the sector of preparation and assembly of columnsand coils according to specifications of the following designers: KTI, LUMMUS, STONE WEBSTER, LINDE, KBR, HALLDOR TOPSUE, TECNIP, LURGI among others .Commanding team composed of 30 people being engineers , welders, quality inspectors, grinders and helpers.
    Directly responsible for the turnover of the sector around 10 million euros per year

    Development of diverse projects such as:
    - Centrifugal machines Horizontal and vertical
    - Fluency testing machines
    - Machines for bending of induction pipes
    - Elaboration of Lay Out of manufacturing facilities in general
    - Preparation of manufacturing drawings based on the original drawings of clients or designers for suitability to manufacture
    - Metal packaging projects for coils, reforming columns and DRI for handling, transport and field installation based on the specifications of the designers and clients

    Development of diverse projects such as:
    - Centrifugal machines Horizontal and vertical
    - Fluency testing machines
    - Machines for bending of induction pipes
    - Elaboration of Lay Out of manufacturing facilities in general
    - Preparation of manufacturing drawings based on the original drawings of clients or designers for suitability to manufacture
    - Metal packaging projects for coils, reforming columns and DRI for handling, transport and field installation based on the specifications of the designers and clients

    Development of diverse tools such as:
    - Horizontal and vertical centrifugal
    - Miscellaneous machining tools
    - Models for static castings

    Development of devices such as:
    - Pneumatic benches for positioning pipes, parts and assemblies
    - Hydrostatic and pneumatic testing devices for tubes, columns and assembled assemblies
    - Lifting test devices for checking alignment and balancing of coils according to the requirements of designers and customers.

  • Real Estate - San Carlos – SP
    Function: Designer Designer and Modeler
    Period: 2001 to 2002
    D.M. Related Categories in NEW DELHI
    Function: Toolmaker
    Period: 1999 to 2001

  • Resimol - Industria e Comercio Ltda - São Carlos - SP
    Function: Aluminum Injection Tooling Designer
    Period: 1993 to 1999

  • Gurgel S.A. - National Vehicle Industry - Rio Claro - SP
    Function: Toolmaker of machining and stamping
    Period: 1992 to 1993

  • C.B.T. - Companhia Brasileira de Tratores - São Carlos - SP
    Function: Mechanical Technician and designer of tooling for stamping and machining ofcomponents for assembly of tractors.
    Period: 1976 to 1992